Company Setup UAE Free Consultation

Free Consulation for Company Formation in UAE

Accuvat provide a complimentary consultation regarding UAE company setup to existing and potential clients want to start a incorporation in UAE. Such initial advice is beneficial for a new company wishing to enter this lucrative market and we helping them to navigate through the red tape and complicated procedures.

UAE laws are various rule with many incorporation options including business and residency labor laws.

From Free zone entities to local onshore company setu[, we are up-to-date with new laws and regulations knowledger.

We share and put all this rule information at your disposal so you can focus on managing business. So your not wasting any time dealing with government entities and formalities.

The advantages of a UAE incorporations are as follows:

Reliable and robust banking with a currency pegged to the US Dollar makes for a sound banking environment and

Liberal laws and free movements of funds means no limit on capital and profit releted points

UAE is not a tax haven, but perfect way to UAE business formations to deal with different clients globally

The history of import-export of your business and the strong trading tradition of UAE make this an attractive location for any company dealing in international trade

There is an active real construction industry, providing a huge market for all associated activities to prosper

A UAE corporation is free to hold accounts all over the world, giving you a reputable institution with access to global banking. We pride ourselves on best banking introduction abilities