Rapid Bank Account Opening

Rapid Bank Account Opening

At Excelogy Accuvat we consider a company impractical unless it holds a corporate bank account. The exceptions are holding companies created with the sole purpose of holding shares in other companies. Thus, we have developed a banking network and expertise enabling us to open accounts for all companies we register. However, the final decision to open an account depends on the bank. So far, our account opening success rate in the UAE is 100%.

Our professional status as «International Corporate Service Provider» and presence of a signed good conduct charter demonstrates our status as «eligible introducer» in the eyes of the financial industry. Because of this, opening an account and managing the dossier is simple. We send the banking file directly to our clients. We open bank accounts by correspondence for most international banks with whom we work. However, in the UAE the law requires that the client visit the bank in person. We arrange meeting between banks and our clients at our own offices to ease the process. You are permitted to open personal bank accounts for you and any relatives and/or employees at this stage too. The account becomes active around 5 working days later. You will then be given online access. Requested cards will be dispatched to the address you specified or delivered in person.

Typically, the following facilities are available from the financial establishments with whom we work:

Multi-currency accounts
Trading in currency, shares and other titles
Interest-bearing accounts
Credit and debit cards
Letter of Credit
Structured products
Capital Guaranteed products

With fifteen years of experience in the field, we select banks that are secure, provide excellent services, and offer a range of banking facilities.

How do we choose our banks?

Before selecting a bank, we look at other important characteristics too:

Bank confidentiality to preserve customer privacy
Financial guarantees to avoid the risk of bankruptcy
Excellent reputation of the institution
Wide range of financial products

The Excelogy Accuvat customer profile is varied and includes, among others: entrepreneurs, pensioners, shareholders, import & export businessmen, heirs, consultants, patent owners and many more. Our banking network allows the opening of accounts for any type of activity and to suit our diverse clientele. We arrange all the relevant paperwork to open the bank account, allowing our clients to simply focus on the development of their business strategy whilst they rest assured that we are dealing with the administrative processes.